Distribution Operations

Distribution Operations

Distribution operations are at the fiber of every supply chain. Our distribution operations services ensure that your distribution facilities are able to deliver the right product to the right place at the right time, and at the lowest possible cost. For the distribution operation services we have included:

  • Facility Planning: Whether you are looking to implement a new facility, expand an existingsite, or maximize your assets, strategic planning guarantees that your distribution operations align with your marketing and sales strategies and ultimately with your business strategy.
  • Detailed Design: We convert strategies into reality, by creating a customized and detaileddesign of the planned facility.
  • Implementation Services: With our experience in the construction and implementation ofdistribution centers, we can help you with a smooth transition to your new facility.
  • Operational Assessment and Planning: A review of your existing operations will reveal howyou can maximize resources while minimizing operational costs.
  • Network Planning: As part of a distribution network plan, we develop alternative networkconfigurations to compare against your existing distribution network to determine the best mix of sites, facility types and sizes, and channel assignment to ensure you have the optimal network design.
  • Inventory Planning: We help you develop an effective approach to inventory management. To create inventory policies that make sense, we analyze the impact of internal and external factors while integrating inventory with purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, and sales.

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